Sewerage works linking MLN to the main sewerage network.

16th February  2023 Update:

Below is the report of a meeting with Jose Acosta, consultant, regarding the MLN Sewerage Project for MLN - We thank David Gibson for the report below


  • Steve Desson - (SD) - President Mijas La Nueva (MLN) 
  • Antonio Marquez - (AM) - Administrator
  • Susie Bridges - (SB) - Committee Member
  • David Gibson - (DG) - Owner Representative
  • Jose Acosta (Pepe) (JA) - Consultant

Notes based upon David Gibson´s mail to owners with Septic Tanks

The meeting was to determine whether JA could assist and advise MLN in relation to the sewerage and water projects currently underway, especially so in relation to those owners with Septic Tanks, and those owners without sewerage infrastructure. 

AC (Pepe) clearly has many years of experience working on sewerage and water systems here on the Costa, and seems to be a person who can assist us.

The meeting was really an introduction for him to us and vice versa, so the many questions we have compiled for Acosol, our water and sewerage provider, have been put to one side for now, although AC did take a Spanish copy with him.

It was agreed that he will provide a written quote to the MLN Community in relation to how he can help us. Then, assuming the Community comes to an agreement with him, he will attend the planned meeting with Acosol and Fernando from the Mijas Town Hall Planning Department, where we will ask Acosol to address our questions.

AC will then attend future meetings with the Town Hall and Acosol, as well as provide us with his advice.

AC is already acquainted with the key people at Acosol and the Town Hall, in fact he worked on behalf of Marbella council and Acosol at a similar urbanisation to MLN, so this should be a significant help.

The key point that AC made was that every situation is different, thus until he has reviewed the situation in full, it is very difficult for him to advise us properly. That said, those attending agreed that AC provided much needed reassurance.

David Gibson´s analogy for the situation is that we, the patient, have seen the Consultant/doctor, who has now told us that he needs to complete a number of tests, before he can give us his initial opinion on our condition.

6th February  2023 Update:

Below is the report of a meeting with Jean-Pierre, President of the Hacienda, de las Chappas urbanisation regarding the MLN Sewerage Project for MLN - We thank Steve Desson for the report below.


  • Steve Desson - (SD) - President Mijas La Nueva (MLN) 
  • Jean-Pierre (JP) - President: Hacienda de las Chapas (HLC)

On Tuesday 6th February 2023 SD met with JP at the community office of the Hacienda de las Chapas urbanisation. The remit of the meeting was to determine the similarities/differences between the two urbanisations in respect of the ongoing Sewerage Projects in both locations.


  1. Both urbs have around 180 properties
  2. Both urbs have public roads throughout
  3. Both urbs are located on a hillside
  4. Both urbs have properties with septic tanks
  5. Both urbs have challenges:
    1. Project will cross private ground
    2. Owners will need to meet cost of connection to infrastructure


  1. All properties on HLC have septic tanks
  2. There is currently no sewerage infrastructure on HLC
  3. The properties and gardens on HLC are considerably larger than MLN
  4. The distances between house/septic tank/connection point (pozo) are considerably greater on HLC
  5. HLC currently has no water supply from Acosol 
  6. All properties on HLC have water meters
  7. HLC have carried out their own projects and requested a sewerage project since 2001
  8. The original HLC urbanisation was developed in the 1960’s, some 20 years before MLN

From the discussion with JP and a subsequent drive around both HLC and another urbanisation (Urb El Rosario) (ER), it was clear that the projects in both HLC and ER differ significantly in that the core infrastructure needs to be installed throughout their urbanisations, and WITHIN, their boundaries, as opposed to MLN, where this work is predominantly external. 

Due to the above, the €2 Million budget for HLC required a contribution. This was split by €1.5m from Acosol/Marbella council and €500,000 from HLC - this was paid from their reserve fund. 

It should be said that HLC actively requested their sewerage installation. 

Further discussion with JP regarding mandatory connection confirmed our understanding that connection is mandatory. JP explained that he has been involved with the sewerage infrastructure within urbanisations for many years and it relates to an EU directive passed in 1990. Following the meeting I have checked online and uncovered that Spain has already been fined €12m for non-compliance, with a second fine of €46.5m imminent and a potential daily fine of €171,217 proposed. This is, in large part, due to Spain’s resistance to remove septic tanks from use, many of which are stated as being in Andalucia.

JP advised speaking to two individuals who could help MLN with their installation: 

  • Jose Acosta - Independent Advisor - Liaison between MLN/Council/Acosol 
  • Oscar Ruiz - Mijas Council - responsible for water provision - he assisted JP on HLC

JP shared the work that Acosol provided which included a comprehensive survey of each house, running to some 1,000 pages, together with a detailed map showing connection points for each house. The cost was met within the €2m budget, no survey costs were levied.

 JP also shared the work Jose did, which was based upon two previous surveys that HLC commissioned, one in 2001 and another in the mid-80’s, from recollection. This work took two months but may be longer as we have no previous surveys to refer to. 

When asked, JP stated that the connections from the properties to the infrastructure were being financed by each individual owner. Connections, depending on complexity, vary considerably due to the differing property sizes and distance from the connection point. It should be said that properties on HLC are substantially larger than on MLN. House prices on HLC can exceed €14 million. 

Addressing potential costs for water connection (HLC is not currently connected to Acosol) JP agreed that nothing can be determined until MLN has met with Acosol. For HLC, Acosol has stated “if we don’t provide your sewerage, you don’t get our water” IE: it is mandatory, so just a point to consider in regards to Acosol’s stance. One final point is that JP advised that he, as President of HLC, was potentially signing the contract that agreed the proposed works within HLC today (07/02). I would assume that Mijas Town Hall would require the same from MLN, hopefully providing us with an element of control over the proposed work in MLN, however, that remains to be seen. JP also advised, this is the third postponement of the contract signing. —---------------------------------------- 

I believe my discussion with Jean-Pierre was hugely beneficial and added a considerable amount of ‘skin to the bones’ of what we currently know.           

24th January  2023 Update:

Below is the report of a meeting with Mijas Town Hall regarding the MLN Sewerage Project for MLN - We thank Adrian Pettitt for the report below.


  • Steve Desson - (SD) - President Mijas La Nueva (MLN)
  • Antonio Marquez - (AM) - Administrator
  • Adrian Pettitt - (AP) - MLN Treasurer/  Secretary
  • David Gibson - (DG) - Owner Representative
  • Fernando Jimenez - (FJ) - Town Hall Planning 

The purpose of the meeting was to gain understanding of the progress of the Sewerage Project currently underway at MLN. Updates from the Town Hall Planning Department in 2022 had advised that no progress had been made, other than what we had been previously told, however, there was some nervousness amongst owners, especially those with septic tanks and those owners without sewerage infrastructure. Below is the information we learnt.


  1. Phase 1 timing has slipped due to a tender dispute, Phase 1 is now scheduled for completion mid-March 2023.
  1. The Phase 2 tender has still not been allocated, the logistical planning and approval details are more complicated than envisaged.
  1. Phase 2 (which, when completed, will include bypassing our sewerage plant and MLN connection) is now unlikely to be completed until well into 2024 at the earliest.
  1. FJ confirmed there will be no cost to MLN for infrastructure improvements (sewerage) to our existing system.
  1. FJ also confirmed that the maintenance of MLN’s sewerage system will be the responsibility of Acosol when we are connected.
  1. FJ confirmed that owners will be responsible for the cost of connection to the main sewer if they have septic tanks currently. This is mandatory but he was not aware of any fixed time limit when connection must occur.
  1. FJ also confirmed that their preferred connection method is gravity as opposed to pumped, however any pipework can only run in public roads or greenspace and not through private land.
  2. FJ confirmed that no survey had been conducted (sewerage) for MLN as yet. Acosol are in the process of annexing a new company who will have direct responsibility for these types of projects. FJ could not confirm when this would be operational.
  1. FJ suggested that we organise an appointment with Antonio Vera of Acosol so that we can ask the questions he is unable to answer. AM has requested an appointment which will be on a Tuesday at the town hall with FJ attending.
  1. It is clear that many of our questions need to be redirected at Acosol, particularly with regard to the plan, survey, timing, cost etc. SD, AP, and DG have concluded that approaching an expert with experience of similar projects would be advisable. SD would also contact another URB that we are aware of to see if they are willing to share their experience.


  1. It's clear that MLN’s fresh water system is very much a secondary consideration to the town hall. Basically its regulation at present and supply is already under Acosol´s umbrella and not of particular concern to them.
  1. It's unlikely that a survey of the water system will take place until the sewerage system is completed.
  1. Indications are that like the sewerage system there will be no cost to MLN for supply upgrading and its ongoing maintenance.
  1. With regard to all of the above, information is very sketchy and we will press Antonio Vera of Acosol with many questions regarding plan, timing,infrastructure upgrading and owner/community responsibilities when we meet soon.

19th July 2022 Update:

Below is the report of a Meeting with Mijas Town hall regarding ‘Main Drainage’ for Mijas La Nueva. We thank Adrian Pettitt for the report below.

Meeting with Fernando Jimenez, Head of Infrastructure and building works department 19th July 2022 @ Mijas Town Hall

Present:- Fernando Jimenez, Antonio Marquez, Steve Desson, and Adrian Pettitt

Subject:- Major Sewerage Works MLN 

  • The 1st phase is the MLN section. 
  • The 2nd phase is the Alqueria section.
  • The first phase tender has been approved and the contractor Ervega allocated.
  • The 2nd phase is currently out to tender for approximately two or three more weeks. 
  • Phase two is more complicated with additional boundary issues and regulatory hoops to resolve.
  • Phase one works (MLN) will start in September. This will prepare the pipework from MLN’s existing sewerage plant to the proposed Alqueria section(phase 2). This will take three to four months.
  • During phase 1 and 2 MLN’s sewerage plant will be fully operational as we won’t be connected to the main sewer.
  • When the tenders are approved there is no turning back, the works will be completed. 
  • The funding for these major local sewerage works is being provided by Diputacion de Malaga(regional government) and will be assigned to the Mijas general budget.
  • Other proposed major works locally (East side Osunillas and West side Voltocado) are at varying stages of the process currently.
  • The Phase 2 section ( Alqueria) is expected to take approximately 9 months but in reality might be closer to 6 or 7 months once started.
  • When both phases are complete (Fernando Jimenez expects August 2023), the MLN sewerage plant will be decommissioned (by the contractors) and we will be connected directly to the main sewer system.
  • There will be no large building licenses issued until the works have been completed. Therefore no swimming pools etc. The only exception to this being that if the building project is large enough to have a projected construction and or completion date in excess of 12 months then it may be considered. First occupation licenses(for those that do not have them) will not be provided until everything is completed and operational.
  • Initially MLN’s sewerage costs when connected to the main pipe will be levied as a percentage of our water consumption directly to MLN. Fernando estimated that these costs were unlikely to be in excess of our current expenditure on our existing sewerage plant. These costs include electricity, upkeep, labour etc. which will no longer be needed or our responsibility.
  • Acosol will then be required to survey MLN and schedule the fitting of a water meter to each individual house. At this point each individual property will be invoiced by Acosol for their water consumption and calculated sewerage. 
  • Antonio is immediately writing to Acosol via Fernando Jimenez to further this process and to ascertain from them the level of any financial support they will provide. It is likely that we have been levied on our invoices for water charges for future infrastructure and they are duty bound to assist with costs.  The level of which is to be established.
  • Septic tanks are understandably more complicated. Each property with a septic tank will be required to connect to the main sewer system, this is mandatory. 
  • Following individual property surveys by Acosol proposals for each property will be identified as each septic tank location is different.
  • It's probable that Acosol will provide a connection to the main sewer point for each property. The costs of connecting each property to it will be the owners responsibility. Antonio will explore with Acosol via Fernando what, if any financial assistance is available for this. 
  • All of the above is mandatory, MLN as a whole and individual owners have no control of these works. No individual owner can refuse to have a water  meter fitted or not be connected to the main sewer system and invoiced directly by Acosol.
  • MLN are right at the front of the queue for these works. Antonio will look to try and benefit from this by attempting to secure as much funding as possible from Acosol before other local projects commence. 
  • Finally when all properties are individually metered and each property has an account with Acosol MLN will no longer charge for water or sewerage within the annual charge. MLN will obviously have an account with Acosol for community related assets such as the pools, irrigation, and community office etc.  
  • It’s also assumed that the farms that we currently sell water to will be directly accountable to Acosol. Antonio will write to them and make them aware of the changes.
  • It's unlikely that we will be connected to the main sewer before August 2023. It remains to be seen how proactive Acosol are in surveying each property for a meter and sewerage. They might start the process whilst the sewer is being built. Antonio will continue to liaise with Fernando Jimenez and the Town Hall for updates and monitor progress.

July 1st 2022 Update:

The committee are actively trying to arrange a meeting with Acosol, along with a further meeting with Fernando Jimenez, the Chief Planning Officer of Mijas Town Hall. 

January 20th 2022 Update:

Below is the report of a Meeting with Mijas Town hall regarding ‘Main Drainage’ for Mijas La Nueva. We thank David Gibson for this report that was published by the 2021 committee on January 20th 2022.

The meeting was attended by the The President, Vice President, Treasurer and Administrator of Mijas La Nueva (2021 Committee) met with Fernando Jimenez (FJ) the Chief Planning Officer of Mijas Town Hall at 9am on the 11th January 2022 to discuss the Mijas La Nueva (MLN) ‘Sanitation connection works’ (Main Drainage).

FJ informed us that there are in fact two projects that are required to be completed before MLN community will benefit from Main Drainage. These are the Mijas La Nueva and the La Alqueria projects.

The MLN project has been approved by the Junta de Andalucia (Road and Environmental department). Diputacion de Malaga has already transferred to the Town Hall the necessary funds for the project (€500,000).

FJ told us that there will be no cost in relation to the MLN project for the Community. The next step is for the project to go out too tender for the works, which will happen in the first quarter of this year.

The plan for the project is set out below: 

FJ informed us that the La Alqueria project hadn’t yet been fully approved (waiting the approval from Fomento Ministry which belongs to the National Government as it is required to cross the toll Highway) and as a result no monies had been received by the Town Hall.

FJ did however say that he believed that the approval would be received in the first quarter of 2022. FJ said that no work would be done on the projects until everything had been approved and all funds had been received.

FJ said that once work was begun it would proceed quickly as the work would be started in several places at once and then linked up.

FJ told us that he expected the projects to be started in 6 to 8 months and that the work would be completed by August 2023.

FJ told us that the MLN project will be connected to the existing sewage system and pipes, thus those owners with Septic Tanks will not benefit from the connection without further work.

FJ suggested that MLN ask Acosol to provide funding for the connections to those houses not already connected to the sewage system.

FJ said the request should be sent to him and that he would assist MLN.

To help with this FJ agreed to provide the Administrator with a copy of the Town Hall plans in relation to the existing sewage system.

FJ confirmed that owners with Septic Tanks would be responsible to provide a sewage pipe to their property boundary, to allow connection to the main sewage system. Note It isn’t clear at this time what costs MLN will be responsible for in relation to decommissioning/changing the existing sewage system.

The Vice President asked about how this would affect the situation with Building licences, which are currently blocked, due to the lack of main drainage. FJ said that once the La Alqueria project was approved, then those houses which are connected to the existing sewage system should be able to apply for their building licences in the normal way. However for those properties that aren’t connected to the existing sewage system the situation is likely to remain problematic until the properties are connected to the main drainage.

The meeting finished at 10am.

The meeting with the Chief Planning Officer was discussed at the Committee meeting on the 15 January 2022. At this meeting it was agreed to follow up with FJ on how we can obtain funding from Acosol to provide the sewage connections to those houses not already connected to the MLN sewage system.