This past month, it would have been hard to miss all the wonderful work happening across the urbanisation to care for and maintain our beautiful trees. The gardening team has been busy pruning the Carob trees, ensuring they remain healthy and well-shaped.
Notably, the very special Carob tree at the heart of our urbanisation—on the way to the upper pool—has been carefully and beautifully shaped, adding even more charm to our shared spaces. In addition, a previously unsafe Carob tree has been removed, and others have been neatened up to keep the community looking its best.
As many of us are also working on our own gardens, we kindly remind everyone to be courteous to your neighbours when disposing of garden waste. The MLN garden rubbish area is intended for minor gardening debris only. If you are undertaking significant work, such as cutting down trees, please arrange for a private skip at your own cost to dispose of the materials properly.
Finally, as the seasons change, a quick reminder that the pools are now closed for winter.